Legal advice



TECVAL,S.L. is the Owner of the web portal (hereinafter, the Portal). With address located at TERRASSA C/Colom, 519, 08228 and Tax ID B-08818593.

The registry details of the Owner are: Page 61604, Folio 45, Volume 5466, Book 4768,Section 2.

You can contact the Owner of the Portal through the following e-mail:

The domain name TECVAL, through which access is gained to this Portal, is owned by TECVAL,S.L. and its use is therefore prohibited in connection with contents, products and/or services that are not owned by TECVAL,S.L. as this may cause confusion between end users or may even be to the discredit of TECVAL,S.L.



The purpose of this Legal Notice is to establish the General Conditions that regulate the access, navigation and use of the above Portal by all users. If the user does not agree with these, they forgo the right to use this TECVAL website.

Accessing this portal implies knowledge and full acceptance by the user of the terms and conditions of use of the Portal, as published at the time that you access the web site.

TECVAL,S.L. reserves the right to modify or update these General Conditions at any time, and, in general, the elements that make up the design and configuration of the Portal. Therefore, TECVAL,S.L. recommends that users read these conditions carefully each time they access the Portal.

The Owner also reserves the right to offer certain products or services to registered users only through the Portal, and they expressly accept the particular conditions that apply.

The Owner also reserves the right to terminate, suspend or discontinue, at any time and without notice, access to the products, services and/or contents of the Portal, and the configuration of this Portal, features, services, products and contents, without the User being able to claim or demand any compensation, where necessary, to which they waive any rights. In particular, the Portal may cease to be operational due to maintenance, repair, updates, improvements and/or adaptation to technical, operational and/or legal changes. Following said termination, the prohibitions, restrictions and limitations contained in this Legal Notice and/or in any special conditions that may apply will remain in force.



The user declares that he/she knows and understands the Terms and Conditions set forth herein and that he/she has the legal capacity to enter into agreements and be bound in the terms set out therein and to use this Portal in accordance with the General Conditions established.

In any case, access, navigation and use of the Portal is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user, so that he/she undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe any additional instructions on the use of the Portal and its content. In particular, the User is obliged to use the Portal content in a diligent, correct and legal way, in accordance with current legislation and, in particular, abstaining from using the portal and its content:

For purposes contrary to the law, morals, generally accepted good practices or public order and instructions received from the Owner.
For purposes harming the legitimate rights of others.
To send advertising or communications for direct sales or any other commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a number of people regardless of their purpose.
For commercial purposes or to otherwise disclose the information obtained.



All content of the Portal, this being understood to include but not be limited to text, pictures, graphics, images, icons, technology, navigation structure, software, audio-visual or audio content, the graphic design and source codes, indexes, brands, logos, expressions and information and, in general, any other creation protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property rights (hereinafter the content) is the property of TECVAL,S.L., or third parties from which TECVAL,S.L. has obtained the corresponding license or permission.

All rights are reserved for intellectual property of the Contents, and the use, exploitation or unauthorized use of contents will lead to the applicable legal liabilities.

The use of trademarks, trade names or logos owned by the Owner or third parties is in particular forbidden without the prior written consent of the owner.



The Owner declares that it has taken all necessary and reasonable measures within its capabilities and the state of technology to ensure the functioning of the Portal and to avoid the existence and/or transmission of viruses and other components which may harm Users.

Furthermore, the Owner shall use all reasonable means at its disposal to verify the truthfulness, accuracy, suitability, completeness and timeliness of the information and content provided in the Portal



The User acknowledges and accepts that the Owner provides no guarantee of any kind, either express or implied, regarding the reliability, usefulness or accuracy of the information published and/or provided on the Portal in relation to the products and/or services provided by TECVAL,S.L.

In particular, the Owner does not guarantee and is not liable for:

  • The lack of availability or accessibility or continuity of the Portal of the Portal content.
  • The existence of interruptions, errors in access to the Portal or malfunction of the Portal, as well as technical problems or failures that occur during the internet connection.
  • The absence of computer viruses and other harmful elements in the Portal or the server that supplies it; The User is responsible, where appropriate, for the availability of adequate means for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programmes.
  • The invulnerability of the Portal and the security measures adopted therein.
  • The absence of errors in the content.
  • Fitness for a particular purpose or objective of the Portal and the information published and/or provided regarding TECVAL,S.L. after sales products or services.
  • Decisions taken from the information provided in the Portal, or for damages to the User or to third parties because of actions that are based solely on information obtained on the portal.
  • Damage to the computers of users or third parties during the service provided by the Portal.
  • Any other damage that may be caused by malfunctioning of the Portal.



The Owner may provide links in its Portal, directly or indirectly, to resources or internet sites that are outside the Portal. It should not be assumed at any time that there are agreements with those responsible in these links, nor any recommendation by TECVAL,S.L. to contract the products and/or services offered.

The Owner has no power or human or technical means to know, control or approve all the information, content, products or services provided by other websites to which links may be established from the Portal. In consequence, the Owner assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any aspect relating to websites that may be linked from the Portal, in particular, including, but not limited to, the operation, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and/or any of its content, in general.

In the event that any User, entity or website wants to establish some kind of link to the Portal, before establishing the link you must obtain express written consent from the Owner and the link must be absolute and complete, in the sense that it is established to the TECVAL homepage, including the whole area of the Portal homepage.

In the event that the entity establishing the link from its website to the TECVAL Portal also wants to include the brand name, trade name, label, logo on its website, or other identifying sign of the Owner and/or the Portal, they will need the prior express permission in writing from TECVAL,S.L.



In the event that any provision of this Legal Notice is considered void, in whole or in part, such a ruling would not affect the other provisions of the Legal Notice or any special conditions, if any, that may have been established.

In the event that the Owner fails to exercise any right or remedy recognized in this Legal Notice, this shall not constitute a waiver, notwithstanding any recognition or agreement that shall be stated in writing.